As a result of a recent diagnosis for our 10year old of Asperger's, our family has decided to begin a journey towards a gluten-free, casein-free, soy-free diet.  In addition to Asperger's, our son also suffers from allergy-induced asthma as well as ADHD.  All the research I've found concerning a nutritional approach to improving allergies and neurological disorders promote this diet.  We figure, it's definitely not going to harm any of us, so let's give it an honest try.  In researching not only this diet, but the pros and cons of each type of food, I'm finding that reviews can be alarmingly overwhelming!  It seems that for almost any food, mineral, vitamin, or fill-in-the-blank, you can find scientific research that convincingly supports either side!  If you decide to search through discussion forums, you will further find that people have extremely fierce opinions concerning these pros and cons and are uninhibited in an online setting to voice them and attack those that oppose.  It's enough to cause a girl to throw her hands up and cry, "Jesus, take the wheel"!!!!

Hmmm, not a bad idea . . .

January 1st every year brings an onslaught of resolutions, goal setting, fasts/detoxes and commitments.  Many of these are quite admirable, others are unrealistic.  Because of the high failure rate of New Year resolutions, I rarely make them (I fail on a daily basis in enough ways, lol).  This year, however, I've decided to make a commitment that seems not only worthy, but productive.  It's a social media fast.  Beginning January 1st and continuing on through the entire month, I'm committing to fast both Facebook and Twitter (with the exception of sharing my blog posts, something that I'll do directly from my blog).

Facebook is a wonderful tool in so many ways.  And, although I've considered deactivating my account in the past, this simply is unrealistic for many reasons.  Facebook has allowed me to stay well-connected with family and close friends 1600 miles away.  It's allowed me to reconnect with wonderful people I thought long gone from my life.  And, it's put me in touch with some wonderful groups and organizations to learn from including those pertaining to adoption, fostering, special needs, health and wellness, and many more!  But social media can also be a smoke screen in some ways.  It can cloud the mind and prevent us from seeking Truth in matters that need to be directly taken up at the Source.

As I said, just in my attempts to make some positive nutritional changes, I've come away feeling the desire to throw my hands in the air.  And that's simply a personal choice for our family. Consider political and religious perspectives and social media and what I've found is the illusion of anonymity that gives one the permission to be as hateful as desired to simply make a point.  I have four children that I home school.  We are all together, all of the time.  I assure you, I have to referee ENOUGH of the bad attitudes within my own home - I do NOT need to read  these about on social media.  When I do, I get a sense of hopelessness that our society feels that they can say or do whatever they desire in an online setting and it won't affect anyone.  What a false sense of arrogance and pride this is producing.

I blog for me.  This is the best way I know to express my feelings and share them with others.  Many agree with me, and many do not.  However, my reasons for writing have nothing to do with convincing people  that I am right in any given situation.  My reason for writing is to share my world, and my feelings with others in an attempt to be a blessing and perhaps bring a little peace and hope to someone that may feel alone in their current circumstance in life.  You are under no obligation to read these if they do not bless you in some way.  Nor are you under any obligation to read them if they do!  The bottom line is that I feel the need to simply share my thoughts, and hopefully my approach is appropriate and helpful, not harmful in any way. I have some pretty strong opinions in some areas, but I am open to agreeing-to-disagree so long as there is mutual respect.  It is the respect that often is lacking in many areas affecting social media. . .

It is this lack of respect, and overabundance of conflicting information that I am in need of detoxing from.  It is my hope that I will be brave enough to fill my time wisely in the coming weeks:  preferably in God's Word.  Perhaps, as a result, I will begin the New Year with an abundance of peace that will spill over to my family and friends.  As always, I covet your prayers. 

Be blessed.  Be happy.  Be whole.

Leave a Reply.

    What's this all about, anyway?

    This is where i share my heart.  God created us to be WHOLE beings.  Our feelings affect our actions and our life circumstances affect our feelings which affect our actions and so on.  You get the picture.  My motto concerning this?
    Be blessed.  Be happy.  Be whole.


    February 2013
    January 2013

